Saturday, December 01, 2007

HOw they live and work

Magar women’s working on field they help there family in field

A magar working on filed with their domestic animal(Ox)

They work hard for their food not as us just buy rice from supermarket and cooked.

Magar marriage ceremony
A marriage looks like a different activity happening.
Bride and groom both are agree than they have no objection to get married.
In India you see bride cannot saw his husband before marriage and same groom also can’t see bride before marriage but here only love marriage couples in village. in ancient time male of village was going to another village for singing competition with girls then in a house they assembled and divided into two team male and female, then competition start male sung a song than women its called (Dohari) when male won than he takes that girl he like most with him and marry her, but now this tradition ended but still they do this in some festivals.

An ancient mask used in their folk dance
A magar house

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