Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Saturday, December 01, 2007


Life is not depends on man made machine

Their transports no fuel no electricity (two wheel human transport). If any one suffering from any disease than they have no choice one person carry him or her . When they walk 2 days than they reach hospital.

This is made from bamboo using in human transport for seek and old persons.

Education not gives them food, shelter and cloth

“No free lunches here”
they have to work for live their life. He is just 12 years old. When I asked him when you go for school he replied me he wake up early morning for going in jungle. Collecting the wood and sale it in market, he don’t have time to go school this is not a single story he and many of children have to work and no school no healthy food every day they have to do hard work for their daily need, its not enough for their family.

Primary School in village (sisnari)
Most of people are not educated even they can’t know their date of birth. Now children’s are going school but they do not have much time for Studies they have to work for food, Shelter and cloth.

HOw they live and work

Magar women’s working on field they help there family in field

A magar working on filed with their domestic animal(Ox)

They work hard for their food not as us just buy rice from supermarket and cooked.

Magar marriage ceremony
A marriage looks like a different activity happening.
Bride and groom both are agree than they have no objection to get married.
In India you see bride cannot saw his husband before marriage and same groom also can’t see bride before marriage but here only love marriage couples in village. in ancient time male of village was going to another village for singing competition with girls then in a house they assembled and divided into two team male and female, then competition start male sung a song than women its called (Dohari) when male won than he takes that girl he like most with him and marry her, but now this tradition ended but still they do this in some festivals.

An ancient mask used in their folk dance
A magar house

Festival of magar people

Festival means them dance and get-together party. Whole family and all village people invited in any type of celebrations birth or death.
Every body celebrates in there happiness moments but they give a funeral party to remember that person after his death of 13 days. They built a (chautara) on beside of road to rest people who travel by the road, and people recognize that person for long time after his death.
They dance but it’s very interesting. You can forget every thing when they dance. the energy and music all can attracts you to dance with them if you try to stop you but still you found your leg’s moving with (Madal) a musical instrument.

The Magar's a power of nature

Let’s talk about Nepal and a special religion in Nepal MAGAR

This is a Magar formal dress.
Magar are brave and true lover of nature and they still live in those rare places where we can’t even think to live like them.
They believe that nature is their god and they pray only natural things like stones, river, land and their (Kul Devata) forefathers.

“Beauty lives in the eyes of the be holder”

Yearly many of tourists came in Nepal every one knows about Kathmandu and Pokhara the main city of Nepal.
Famous village mustang, Beni but no one ever seen before this village called Sisnari (khabang). There are no transports for this village and no flight so this village hidden from every one and me also not know about this village. When I was traveled this village its make me to felt like I was in heaven next. So I and my camera both enjoyed well, my whole experience and adventures sharing with you.
If you want to more information about this village not as a tourist but a Nepalese people than contact me pritam_pun@yahoo.com, pritampoon@gmail.com,mysyle_alwaysmy@hotmail.com.